COVID hit us hard and unexpectedly. We had all been socially distanced for what felt like such a long time, an almost unbearable eternity. I truly didn’t know what to do other than to immerse myself in cooking, a creative outlet that brought me comfort. This was the first year I decided to bring everyone together for an extravagant, multiple-hour Thanksgiving meal that would be unforgettable. I am not even sure if we had all been vaccinated yet, but we just took a chance and hoped for the best. I even decided to make a Turkey Wellington (although I have no idea where I got that unusual idea). I literally boned a turkey and wrapped it in flaky pastry; it was an ambitious undertaking! But, man, was it good. It was so much fun, filled with laughter and joy. I remember for a few precious hours, we were able to forget about the struggles COVID had imposed on our lives. Who knew that we would turn this day into a cherished tradition for many years to come, bringing us together time and again?